15 Core Exercises for Beginners at Home

By zeeh
15 Best Core Exercises for Beginners at Home - 2020

Physical movement is one of the main keys to a healthy life, however, we often relegate sport to the background due to lack of time or motivation. Do you spend many hours sitting in front of the computer? Do you want to be in good physical shape? One of your best options is to start doing core exercises from home.

The core agglutinates the muscles of the spine, as well as the abdominals, lumbar, pelvis, and buttocks, so it is not only a fundamental area to improve balance and avoid back pain, but it is also key to losing weight from the healthy shape and harden areas that tend to sag, such as tummy, cartridge belts, etc. we propose 15 core exercises for beginners at home that will help you get fit and feel better in less time. Let’s go there!

Why is it Vital to Train the Core?

The core muscles are responsible for much of the movements we carry out in our daily lives and sports routines. Thus, exercising this area means providing strength and stability to this part of our body. Let’s see some of the benefits of working the core in more detail:

Which Muscles are Worked in Core Exercises?

The muscles that are worked when performing core exercises are:

  • ABS
  • Oblique
  • Pelvic floor
  • Hip
  • Lumbar
  • Buttocks
  • The muscles of the lower back

Benefits of Practicing Core Exercises

Performing core exercises involves exercising a set of muscles essential to keep us strong, stable, and fit daily. But, in addition, practicing core has other great benefits:

Prevents Injuries:

the core strengthens an essential group of muscles that serve as protectors against possible injuries in our daily lives.

Corrects Poor Posture:

core exercises provide stability to the trunk and lower back muscles, so they will help you have a better posture.

Contributes to Better Physical Performance:

core exercises will help you better control your breathing and train you for better physical performance in the sports activities you carry out throughout the day.

It is Good for Weight Loss:

if combined with a proper diet, core exercises can help you lose body fat and strengthen the muscles of your abdomen, hips, and buttocks so that your body looks better defined.

Comfortable and Effective:

we cannot fail to mention that the core can be practiced from the comfort of your home, so you will not have to spend extra money in a gym.

Ultimately, the core strengthens muscles, provides stability, and is key to enjoying good health. We share the 15 core exercises for beginners with you that you should know and that you can do from home with this in mind.

15 Core Exercises for Beginners

#1. The Iron

The Iron - Core Exercises

Among the core exercises for beginners, the plank is one of the most basic and effective. Thanks to this exercise(workout), you will work the abdominal, upper back, and gluteal muscles:

  1. Lay your body in line on a mat, supporting it with only your elbows and the tips of your toes.
  2. Your arms must be straight and parallel to your shoulders.
  3. Stay straight and without losing posture for 25 seconds.

Rest 5 seconds and repeat the exercise until completing three series.

#2. Side Plank

Side Plank - Core Exercises

Another of the most useful core exercises at home is the side plank, perfect for exercising the oblique muscles. We explain how to do it correctly:

  1. Support one elbow on the mat and stand straight, with your body taut and straight to the side, supporting only your elbow and feet on the floor.
  2. Hold in that position, straining with your abdomen, for 20 seconds.
  3. Then switch sides and do three sets over 20 seconds each (on each side).

#3. Superman

Superman - Core Exercises

Within your core tampo routine, you may be missing this perfect exercise to strengthen your lower back and end those annoying waist rolls:

  1. Lie face downward on a mat with your arms and legs straight.
  2. Raise your arms and legs as high as you can and hold for 20 seconds.
  3. Throughout these seconds, neither your feet nor your arms should touch the ground, so use force with your abdomen and back.
  4. After these 20 seconds, rest and do two more sets.

#4. The Cat

Among the core exercises for beginners, the one we propose below is key to stretching the back and protecting this delicate area of ​​the body from injury:

  1. Get on all fours on the floor, keeping your back always straight.
  2. Being careful not to jerk, lift your lower back up as high as you can, that is, lift your glutes. At the same time, raise your head, pulling your neck slightly back.
  3. Next, arch your back doing the opposite movement, that is, lowering your buttocks and head as much as possible, leaving your neck hanging and relaxed until you form an arch with your body.
  4. Perform three sets of 10 reps each.

#5. Pass the Weight

An ideal balance exercise that favors body stability and that you can perform comfortably from home. Take note:

  1. Take an object from home that weighs approximately two kilos.
  2. Standing upright, move the object from one hand to the other in front of and behind the body without losing posture and without wobbling sideways.
  3. For this exercise, it is vital that you look at a specific point in the room and that you force your abdomen to maintain the posture.
  4. Do three sets of one minute each.

#6. The V

If your target is to lose weight and strengthen flaccid areas like the belly, you should focus your core exercises for beginners well and add movements like this to your routine. The V is a perfect exercise to work abs and strengthen the core:

  1. Begin by lying down on a mat, with your legs straight, and your arms stretched over your head.
  2. Strengthen your abs and lift your arms, your back, and your legs off the floor. You must remain seated, with your legs straight and tense, so that your body shapes the letter V.
  3. When you are getting up, you should try to touch your feet’ tips with the fingers of your hands, using force with the abdomen at all times.
  4. Perform three 15-second sets with a 7-second rest between sets.

#7. Knees to Elbows

Among the core exercises for beginners that serve to strengthen the abdomen, this is one of the most effective. Add it to your everyday routine, and you will see results in a matter of weeks. In addition, this movement is perfect also to work arms and shoulders, so it is complete:

  1. Begin in a plank position, holding onto a mat with the balls of your feet and your forearms or on your hands, whichever is most comfortable for you.
  2. Next, raise your right leg and bring your knee to the elbow of your right arm.
  3. The movements should be continuous and fast, so as soon as your knee touches the elbow, return the leg to its place and do the same with the other.
  4. Perform three sets of 10 reps each.

#8. Hands-on Shoulder

In your routine of core exercises at home, you cannot miss the plank with your hands on your shoulder, as it is an effective and simple option that will allow you to rest a little while working on your core and arms. Follow these steps:

  1. Get into a high plank position that is, holding onto a mat with your hands (not your elbows) and the balls of your foot(feet).
  2. Your body should be tight and aligned, so don’t forget to push your abdomen.
  3. Without swinging your hips, raise one hand toward your shoulder, then the other.
  4. Try to move as little as probable and perform the movements with some speed.

Firstly, do three sets of 30 seconds each.

#9. Plank with Alternate Elevations

We continue with another core exercise for beginners, ideal both to strengthen the back and abdominal area and to improve and control the stability of the body:

  1. Get into a high plank position that is, supporting yourself with your feet and hands, not your elbows.
  2. Then, without losing your balance, raise one arm and the opposite leg. You should try not to swing at any time and keep your arm and leg straight.
  3. Hold the pose for 7 seconds and do the same with the other arm and the other leg.
  4. Do three sets per side.

#10. Clamshell

Clamshells, also called clam exercises, are great for working your hips and glutes. So if your goal is to define these body parts better and lose fat, make sure to include exercises like this in your beginner cardio routine at home:

  1. Lie on your side on the floor, with your head resting on one elbow and the other arm holding on to your hip.
  2. You should start with your legs slightly bent, as we show you in the image below. Slowly raise and lower your top leg with constant movements but without separating your feet.
  3. That is, with your feet firmly attached, raise and lower your upper leg for 20 seconds.
  4. After this time, lie down on the other side and repeat the exercise with the other leg for another 20 seconds.

#11. The Bike

One of the most famous core exercises for beginners: the bicycle. Whether you want to strengthen your back to avoid injury or want exercises to help you lose belly fat and infuriate your abs, you will love this move:

  1. Start by lying on a mat on your back, with your legs straight and your hands behind your head.
  2. Next, bend one knee, bringing it towards your chest, and raise your opposite arm to touch that knee with the elbow.
  3. You will have to force your abdomen to the side to elbow the opposite knee.
  4. You must do continuous movements, so when one elbow has touched the opposite knee, return the leg to its place and quickly do the same with the other side.

#12. The Bridge

We cannot fail to mention specific beginner core exercises to strengthen the pelvis and lower back. To not forget this area of ​​the body, add the following exercise to your routine:

  1. Lie on a mat facing upward and keep your knees bent.
  2. With the soles of your feet firmly against the mat, exhale and raise your pelvis until you form in a straight line between your knees and shoulders.
  3. Lower your pelvis little by little again until it touches the ground.
  4. You must perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.

#13. The Foot-Elevated Bridge

Thus, it is a more advanced version of the previous exercise, so once you have mastered the one that we have proposed before, you can also start including the elevated footbridge to your cardio routine at home :

  1. Lie on the floor on your back as in the previous exercise and raise your pelvis to the maximum.
  2. Then lift one leg up into a straight line with your entire body.
  3. Hold for a few seconds and gently lower your leg to rest on the floor flexed, without lowering your pelvis.
  4. Do the similar with the other leg and do a total of 4 sets of 10 seconds

#14. Cockroach

However, one of the best beginner core exercises to improve body coordination and balance. Follow these steps:

  1. Start lying on a carpet on your back, with your knees bent 90º and your arms straight up as if you wanted to touch the sky.
  2. Pull one arm back that is, over your head, and at the same time, stretch the reverse leg until it is parallel to the ground.
  3. Return the arm and leg to their original position and do the same with the other limbs.
  4. Do 4 sets of 10 reps each.

#15. Scissors

In addition, we finish this selection of core exercises for beginners at home with one of the most influential and popular movements in this type of routine. Therefore, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by lying on a mat, with your legs straight and your arms on each side of your body.
  2. Thus, now raise your legs, straight, and lower one slowly until it is parallel to the ground. It should not touch the mat, so use your abs to support your leg in the air.
  3. Slowly raise it up again and lower the other leg.
  4. Keep doing continuous movements, lowering and raising one leg, and the other for 40 seconds.