7 Most Important Factors of a Successful UX Design

By zeeh

Whether it’s a mobile app, productivity software, website, or anything, you want people to like it. This liking translates into increased user satisfaction, loyalty, and engagement, further driving more conversions and profit to your business. This must make it clear why you need to pay attention to UX (user experience) design.

Although working with reliable UX design services is advisable to create an outstanding product, it is also worth being educated about the basics. So, here in this blog, we are covering seven extremely important factors of a successful UX design.

1.   Useful

Your product must be useful to the target audience. A product which has no purpose or usefulness may not be able to compete for attention. And, five key ways to improve the usefulness of your product are:

  • Vary performance
  • Add new capabilities without compromising the ease of use
  • Improve quality
  • Personalize
  • Provide a variety of products


  1. Usable

Usability measures how well a particular user can use a product to accomplish a given purpose effectively and efficiently. So, make sure your product enables users to achieve their intended objectives efficiently. A high level of usability gives your product a competitive advantage while making it easy and safe to use.

3.   Findable (or Discoverability)

Are your target users able to locate or identify your product easily? You have to make sure your product is discoverable so that people can easily locate needed information within the particular platform or interface. They will not buy and use it if they do not find it.

4.   Credible

Credibility is another important UX design factor. It is a measure of belief and trust in your product that it will deliver what it is intended for. If a user does not trust your offering, no extent of persuasion can convince him or her, and you may lose them to your competitors. So, make sure your product UX lives up to its promises.

5.   Accessible

First things first, accessibility and usability are two different concepts of UX design, and both are indispensable. Unlike usability, accessibility emphasizes that the product should be able to be accessible to people of a full range of abilities. For example, video captions help people with impaired hearing watch and understand the video.

6.   Desirable

Desirability gauges how much a product is wanted or desirable by a consumer. Desirability is an important UX design factor because it attracts users to use your product and discover its usefulness and usability. So, make sure your product is desirable.

7.   Valuable

The factor “valuable” is the sum of all the six factors discussed above. A valuable product delivers value to your customers and your business. Otherwise, the success of your product will be undermined. It is worth noting that a product can deliver value in different ways. For some users, accessibility may be more important than desirability or vice versa.

By making sure that your product’s UX design meets all these criteria, it is sure to drive customer satisfaction and business profit to you.

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