How to Announce Your Engagement on Social Media

By zeeh
How to Announce Your Engagement on Social Media

How to Announce Your Engagement on Social Media? – You’re engaged! Congratulations! You’ve got your affordable engagement ring on and it is never coming off. You want to shout it to the world, we understand. With social media, you can do that without even straining your vocal cords. However, there’s a bit more to it than just posting a photo and saying, “Look at me. I did it.”

Should I Announce My Engagement on Social Media?

There’s no right answer here. Should you? If you want to! That’s really all there is to it. If you don’t feel inclined to share it on social media, that’s perfectly fine. Tell your friends and family on your own terms, and don’t feel like you’re required to share it with the world. If you do want to, though, there’s no better way to tell everyone at once than by putting it on social media.

Should I Announce My Engagement on Social Media

A Couple of Points on Etiquette

Yeah, there’s some fine print to this. While there’s not a lot you have to worry about, consider these few points before posting.

Give the Important Ones a Heads-Up

Your family and close friends shouldn’t find out you’re engaged from their Instagram feed. As a point of respect, let them know personally. From there, feel free to throw it out there for everyone else.

Don’t Bring Up Your Exes

While deep down, there may be a little part of you who wants to gloat and laugh at all your still single exes (we get it), refrain from it. It’s just about the two of you here. You’re allowed to gloat internally, but not externally.

What to Do

Before the post goes live on everyone’s feed, you want to get the perfect picture.

Engagement Shoot

Not only is this great for social media, but it’s something you’ll want to have for yourself to look back on as the years go by. Hire a professional here, unless you’ve got a very artsy friend you trust. The money spent here is worth it and not just to get a good Instagram photo.

Engagement Shoot - Should I Announce My Engagement on Social Media

Don’t Be in a Rush

Hey, we get it. You want to post that photo like yesterday. If you could post to Instagram with your mind, that photo would already be up. Take a minute, though, and think about it. Select the photos you really like, write up a caption that fits and then sleep on it. Just one extra night won’t kill you (as much as it may feel like it) and it’s worth it.

You’ll probably wake up and post it, but just in case. In the excitement, maybe you missed a comma or didn’t word your caption as artfully as you could have. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and it isn’t the end of the world if you make a small mistake, but it’s a good rule of thumb for most life decisions — this one included.

Be Yourselves

However you want to go about posting (or not posting) your engagement is fine. Don’t feel like you have to be something you aren’t.  Whether you want to gush on social media or just offer it as a matter of fact for friends of friends to find out about is your call. No right or wrong way to go about it.

Some Ideas to Get You Started


You’ve seen them in engagement photos. Banners, signs, t-shirts, etc. Anything that says “engaged” so you don’t have to. They aren’t a requirement, but they are quite fun.

The Classic

If nothing else, get a shot of the ring! A photo with your pear cut engagement ring is a requirement, even if you never post it. There are few photos that more accurately capture the excitement than that one.

The Classic

Ask Your Photographer

If you hired a pro, chances are you aren’t the first engagement shoot they’ve done. Get a professional’s opinion about what will look good. You’ll probably get a couple of ideas you wouldn’t have thought of yourself!

Get the Whole Family Involved

Make it an event! Whether the proposal itself is a family affair or just a moment between the two of you, it’s always fun to get the family and friends involved somehow. Consider a big group photo or get more creative with it. Here’s another place to get that photographer’s expertise.

When you’re deciding how (and if) you’re going to post your engagement on social media, there aren’t many rules to keep in mind. Really, the only important one is to stay true to yourself.

Sure, you’ve probably seen plenty of engagement photos on your feed, and you’ve got plenty of ideas. If you want to integrate those, fantastic! However, if those don’t feel like you, there’s no pressure to emulate them. Take your time, get the photos that represent you and, most of all, be present in the moment.