No matter what skin type you are, skin blemishes are something that we will all have to deal with at some point. They can occur for a variety of different reasons and can range from something quite tiny to huge eruptions.
Whilst they can make you want to hide away from sight, there are things that you can do to tackle them, so in this article Skin Inspection, specialist Dermatology Clinic in London have put together our top tips for getting rid of skin blemishes.
What are skin blemishes?
Skin blemishes could be any mark that appears on your skin, and so they can take different forms. These range from acne, papules and pigmentation, and can occur anywhere on the face and body. Whilst they are generally harmless, most people want to deal with them as they can be considered unsightly, however, if you are concerned about any blemish in particular then you should get it checked by a doctor.
Don’t resort to old wives’ tales
Someone has probably told you at some point to put toothpaste or nappy cream on your spots, or that you should pop your pimples to get rid of them. These remedies came about many years ago when we did not know as much about skin as we do now, and most of them do not work. In fact, many of these old wives’ tales can actually do more harm than good, so you should always resist the urge to pop, pick or put dental products on your blemishes.
Hot showers
One of the simplest solutions for a skin blemish is to take a hot shower. The steam that is created by the hot water causes your pores to open up and the steam can enter, having a cleansing effect on the skin. Once the pores are open, you can then exfoliate and cleanse to remove any impurities from the skin. Just remember, keep the water at a comfortable temperature that will not irritate sensitive skin and apply moisturiser afterwards as this can be a drying experience for the skin otherwise.
Natural spot treatments
When a spot forms, it can be tempting to reach for the latest spot treatment, but many of these contain synthetic ingredients that can be more irritating to the skin. Instead, look for one with natural ingredients such as vitamin E, tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar for gentle inflammation control, skin disinfection and antioxidant application.
Ice, ice baby
Ice can also be a great way to treat a blemish. Try putting ice on a blemish for around 10 minutes to reduce the swelling. To avoid burning the skin, make sure you do this with a cold compress, and the blemish will soon look much better.
Professional skincare
Visit a skincare therapist for a professional facial to get an in-depth look at your skin and recommendations on the right products to use on it. These therapists can give expert advice and treatments to refresh and cleanse your skin effectively.
Hormone treatment
We can be prone to breakouts at different times in our lives, and many of them can be related to hormones. This is not just the territory of the average teenager, as it can also occur during pregnancy, perimenopause and menopause as well. If you are finding that this is happening a lot, then it might be worth visiting your doctor to see if there is anything they can prescribe to regulate your hormones and get your skin under control.
Getting rid of skin blemishes is much easier if you know what causes them, so look at your skincare routine, your water consumption and your hormonal changes to try and identify their triggers.