Microdermabrasion Skin Treatment On Duty in Your Skin Protection

By zeeh
Microdermabrasion Skin Treatment On Duty in Your Skin Protection

Microdermabrasion Skin Treatment On Duty in Your Skin Protection : c can take its toll on our skin. Just in the past month, we’ve bounced from sandal, tropical warmth to “where did I put that ski jacket” frigidness.

Temperature fluctuations can wreak havoc on our skin—leaving it dry, itchy and with areas of dry patches. While we love living in Florida, the weather can take the youthfulness out of our skin.

In a city that features a Fountain of Youth, it’s no surprise that St. Augustine residents and visitors passionately seek ways to make their skin look younger and more vibrant.

Many of these seekers find their way to Debbie’s Day Spa and Salon for one of its most popular skin treatment services: Microdermabrasion.

This safe and non-surgical facial resurfacing technique exfoliates the topmost layer of skin using a gentle polishing action of corundum crystals. The superficial skin layer is removed by a cleansing vacuum method.

“We’ve found microdermabrasion skin treatments to be a great remedy for skin damage caused by Florida summers and winters. Our clients love how their skin feels much smoother and looks renewed after just a few treatments,” said Danielle, a Licensed Aesthetician at Spa in the Valley, Maryland.

The Nitty-Gritty of the Medical Benefits

From a medical perspective, the technique helps thicken collagen—a protein that declines as we age. Collagen helps to provide our skin its structure, strength and suppleness.

A medical study conducted by the University of Michigan Health System’s Department of Dermatology on forty adults age 50 to 83 demonstrated that microdermabrasion resulted in:

“…increased production of a extensive variety of compounds associated with wound healing and skin remodeling. This includes cytokeratin 16, a well-characterized response to injuries to the skin’s outer layer; antimicrobial peptides that fight infection; matrix metalloproteinases that break down skin’s structural proteins to allow for rebuilding; and both collagen precursors and other substances that form the pathway to its production.”

The authors of the study acknowledged the use of the procedure to “improve the appearance of wrinkles, atrophic acne scars, discoloration and other signs of aging skin.”

The Results Are Worth Looking At

Many of the procedure clients agree that our microdermabrasion treatment does wonders for the youthful appearance of their skin.

After a brief period of redness, the clients report that their complexion is more even, their skin feels smoother and has a youthful glow to it. An effect similar to Aloe Vera cosmetics, but with a longer lasting effect.

Besides giving your skin a refreshed and renewed appearance, microdermabrasion can be used to:

    • Remove dry skin
    • Lessen the damage caused by the Florida sun
    • Improve areas with age spots
    • Lessen the appearance of stretch marks
    • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
    • Reduce or eliminate enlarged pores
    • Treat areas scarred by acn