Revolution In File Managing: 5 Reasons Why You Have To Switch to PDFBear

By zeeh
5 Reasons Why You Have To Switch to PDFBear

5 Reasons Why You Have To Switch to PDFBear – Managing files on your devices can be a lot of work if not using the right tools and software. It can take a lot of time, money and even damage your device and files; that is why it is crucial to find the right software to do the job efficiently without going through all of these struggles; after all, we use technology to make our tasks hassle-free and not the other way around.

Whether it’s homework, job-related files, or even just a simple organizing of files, the internet offers a lot of software that provides a solution to whatever it is that you need. Still, not all of them can do it smoothly. But worry no more, PDFBear offers various functions to help manage files without the hassle experienced on other software.

PDFBear is probably one of the most effective software available on the internet to manage different files in various formats. There are thousands of software that can be found on the web today, but none of them can do it the way PDFBear does it. With that said, here are five reasons why you should switch to PDFBear.

1. It’s Free

Purchasing software can cost a ton of money. Some will cost hundreds of dollars but offer minimal functions, with PDFBear enjoying its services doesn’t have to be expensive. With the software, it is possible to convert files from one format to another and even merge PDF of charge. That means you don’t have to pay any more to manage files.

The software must serve its purpose as smoothly as possible without any issues, but it is also crucial that it doesn’t hurt the user’s pocket. It’s okay to spend money on software, but the software should give the customer the satisfaction and worth of their money in return; this is something that PDFBear is offering to its users.

2. Save Storage Space

One of the many issues faced while installing some software is the storage space in the device. Because some of the device’s storage is full, the user is forced to delete some of the device’s files to give way to install the software. But with PDFBear, you don’t have to go through the hassle of picking which files to delete to give up some new software space.

PDFBear is an online-based software that manages files, so there is no need for the user to install it, which means that it will not consume space in your device because all of the tasks can be done on the browser without installing the software, the only thing that’s going to need space for is the file that will be converted or merged.

3. Protects Your Privacy

Choosing software that will help accomplish a task is not easy, let alone finding one to give the user security and privacy. There are thousands of software available on the web, but not all can assure the data’s security attached to the files. This feature is essential to business and job-related files to protect both the company and the client’s privacy.

Privacy is probably one of the biggest concerns when using this type of software, But the user should not worry when using PDFBear. The software ensures that all the data will be deleted from their database after using it without any trace of the files that have been processed through their website.

4. Process On Cloud

When locating a file, an individual should go through their phones, flash drives, hard drives, or any devices that can store files, but this is too stressful and time-consuming. Purchasing storage devices can also cost tons of money. This is one of the many advantages PDFBear can offer to its users.

Their PDF compress tool has the ability to store compressed files in the cloud so that the users can access them anytime and anywhere. It is possible to go out without having storage devices and not worry about having to go home to look for the files in the user’s devices because all they have to do is log in to the account and go to saved files using any devices at hand.

5. Time Saver

From looking for the right software to manage files to installing software to the device, up to the actual process of managing the files, it will take up a lot of time. The time spent doing all of these can be used to spend with family. That is the aim of PDFBear, to lessen the hassle of managing files and save time.

Because PDFBear is an online-based software, it is possible to manage files without installing it. The user only has to go to the PDFBear website, choose the process the file needs to undergo and attach it. You can do so many things with PDFBear, from converting from one format to another to merging files; the user doesn’t have to look for another software to do different tasks because it can be done by only using the PDFBear software.


Managing files can be both an easy and challenging task depending on the software that is being used. Although there is so much software available on the web today, there is no assurance that they can do what needs to be done without having any troubles. But with PDFBear, the worry of going through the hassle is pretty much non-existing.

Having good software that will ensure the completion of the task is very important nowadays, especially in academe, business and of course at the workplace where the documents are mostly placed in the computer, tablets or mobile phones to make sure that these files are in a safe place.

From storing files, converting, and resizing, there is no question that PDFBear is the best software for managing files and storing data. With this software, it is not just enough that the job is done, but the software’s primary goal is to accomplish the task as smoothly as possible to satisfy the users and render the best service.