What Are the Different Types of Divorce Cases?

By zeeh
What Are the Different Types of Divorce Cases

What Does Colorado Law Say About Divorce?

  • Colorado is a no-fault state, meaning that no blame is found in either party.
  • In Colorado, one party can file for divorce, and the proceedings can move forward despite the other party not wanting the divorce.
  • If you and your spouse are new to the state of Colorado and you plan on filing for divorce, you cannot file for at least 90 days.
  • Colorado recognizes this marriage if you are in a common-law marriage, and the couple may proceed forward as though they were married.

Different Types of Divorce Cases – Couples who choose to live together and not marry in a traditional wedding venue and live together for several years are in a common-law marriage relationship. The state of Colorado recognizes this partnership as a legal and binding marriage.

Couples in a common-law marriage may or may not agree to end the relationship. As in a traditional marriage, common-law couples who decide to split up and end the relationship do so, and neither one is found at fault.

When you and your spouse say, “I do,” at your marriage ceremony, divorce is the furthest notion from the couple’s minds. Unfortunately, not all marriages experience successful longevity. Situations and things that happen within a marriage may not be the fault of either spouse, so when one or both persons decide that divorce is the only option for them, the reason for divorce can be considered irreconcilable differences.

Please, never consider not hiring a divorce attorney:

You need this professional to see you through a stressful and challenging time, no matter if you and your spouse are amicable about the decision to divorce. Emotions and stress run high. A divorce attorney provides support and skills during your divorce proceedings.

It is vital and wise to have a seasoned divorce attorney by your side to ensure your best interests are protected in any divorce hearing, no matter how friendly the couple is to each other. Your attorney can make sure that both spouses abide by the divorce laws in the State of Colorado. The following is a list of the types of divorces in Colorado.

The thought about divorce is that one or both parties will experience at least four types of divorce effects contained within the divorce proceedings. One spouse may go through these four types more than the other, or both partners are equally affected.

Divorce Issues Within a Divorce

When a couple decides upon divorce, a different kind of divorce or separation happens within the divorce. One or both parties realize they are also being divorced and permanently separated from,

  • Finances
  • Every day parental rights
  • Legal matters
  • Their partners
  •  Mutual friends
  •  Spouses, family members

We see an extensive list of emotions as seasoned divorce attorneys, no matter what type of divorce. Sentiments like the following run high during this time, and we understand and are compassionate with our clients as they may experience the following.

  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Confusion
  • Stress
  • Resentment
  • Happiness
  • Fear of the spouse
  • Hate for the other spouse

The Different Types of Divorce in Colorado

  • Traditional Court System

When spouses cannot come to agree on multiple issues, then the divorce must go to court. If this happens, we stand by you, speak for you, represent you, and we fight for your rights to make sure your divorce is fair.

Even though a divorce goes to court, this does not mean everything settles. If the couples still cannot resolve the issues at hand, the judge decides the outcome if less expensive and time-saving options such as arbitration, mediation, and a simple divorce have no positive result.

  • Simplified Divorce

A Simplified Divorce is a newer option for divorcing couples. This option requires early intervention by the judge. The couples must attend regular conferences with the judge where there is information exchanged. A Simplified Divorce presents no motions, and there is an exchange of information between the couples. It is quick and less expensive.

  • Settlement Conference

A Settlement Conference allows the attorneys of both spouses to schedule meetings for negotiations outside of the courtroom. A neutral advocate presents ideas on how to resolve issues after the facts of the case are presented. Both parties may ask questions and take part in a decision-making process that directly affects each party.

  • Mediations

A neutral advocate for both parties meets with the couples and their attorneys. This mediation meeting addresses the issues and clarifies the points for each party so that each spouse may make an educated decision. Often, mediation spawns feelings of anger and hostility. This mediator does not advise either couple. However, this mediator can often quiet the negative emotions of either spouse. When the couple reaches agreements, they sign legal documents or contracts that dissolve the marriage.

  • Arbitration

When couples want a quick settlement, such as often found in mediation meetings, there will be a neutral advocate for both parties. This advocate’s job is both an arbitrator and a mediator. This advocate has the power to decide if the parties are in a situation where they show no progress and remain in disagreement, unwilling, and unable to agree on anything.

A Call to Action for Help by Leading Colorado Divorce Attorneys

This Greeley, CO, divorce attorney is a seasoned, experienced, licensed, and board-certified divorce attorney serving the communities of Fort Collins and Greeley, Colorado. Never represent yourself in a divorce. Our attorneys are available to help you through a difficult time. Access this website for more in-depth information and give us a call.

No matter how amicable your divorce sounds, you still need an experienced attorney by your side to help you protect your rights in a divorce. We will make sure your divorce is fair to you and your children.

If there are children involved in your divorce, we work hard to protect the children’s rights. If they can add value to the decision-making process, we want to hear what they say to consider their desires, needs, and preferences.

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