Should You Use CBD for Sleep & Insomnia?

By zeeh
Should You Use CBD for Sleep & Insomnia

Are you an insomnia patient and suffering from varieties of sleep challenges? Or are you looking for how CBD helps with sleep and insomnia? Well, agonize not! Here is a little background on how CBD impacts your sleep and body.

Cannabidiol or CBD is the primary cannabinoid of the cannabis plant with non-toxic and non-psychoactive properties. CBD interacts with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system that helps your body to maintain sleep, appetite, pain, and more.

Unlike THC, CBD will not get you high and stoned. Instead, CBD has a range of health applications, including sleep and insomnia. People may take CBD edible products for general well-being and health conditions.

What does the research say about CBD & Sleep?

First, you need to understand what causes poor sleep. According to National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the risk factors that lead to insomnia include:

  • Mental health disorder – anxiety, depression, and PTSD
  • Medication that disturbs the sleep-wake cycle
  • Chronic pain
  • Environmental factors

The growing public interest in the potential health benefits of Cannabis, especially CBD, encourages the researcher to study the effect of CBD.

Research published in 2019 shows that 25 mg CBD capsules each day can improve sleep and reduce anxiety. People treated with CBD and 79.2% reported low anxiety levels, and 66.7% with better sleep.

In addition to interacting with the endocannabinoid system, CBD may help controls the level of cortisol. A patient with insomnia may have elevated cortisol levels at night, which can interfere with sleep and cause wakefulness.

A 2019 study on the effects of CBD found that people could lower cortisol levels by incorporating 300 – 600 mg CBD oil.

How CBD Works to Improve Sleep?

The anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties of CBD works to improve sleep quality. CBD’s interaction with the ECS, CB1 & CBD2 receptors in the brain reduces anxiety, one of the main reasons for insomnia and wakefulness.

CBD may help treat:

  • The causes of sleepiness
  • Excessive day time sleepiness
  • Grogginess
  • Reducing stress
  • Alleviating anxiety symptoms

Is it safe to take CBD for sleep?

  • CBD for sleep is generally considered safe, but experts warn that additional research is necessary to determine how CBD will affect health in the long run.
  • Mild side effects that frequently occur with CBD can include dry mouth, diarrhea, drowsiness, appetite loss, and low blood pressure.

Can CBD help with anxiety?

  • While CBD research is still in its early stages, several studies have found it effective in treating anxiety. A 2019 study examined if CBD may enhance sleep and lessen anxiety.
  • In the study, there were 72 participants, of whom 47 had anxiety, and 25 had sleep problems.

How to Use CBD for Sleep?

You might have seen various CBD products, including

  • Edibles and gummies
  • Topicals
  • Capsules
  • Oils & tinctures
  • Vape concentrations

Some people prefer CBD capsules and edible products to aid sleepiness as they cannot ingest CBD oil. However, sublingual CBD oil ingestion is more effective, but people avoid it due to the earthy flavor of oil. In contrast, CBD gummies come with numerous flavors and terpenes profile.

Determining the effective way of CBD ingestion might be overwhelming for you. So, you can talk with your doctor to prescribe the accurate dosage of CBD to get a better night’s sleep.

The CBD dosage for sleep depends on the following factors:

  • Bodyweight
  • Body biochemistry
  • Nature of your sleep trouble

The Bottom Line

To deal with a troublesome and primary sleep disorder, you can use CBD. CBD is a well-tolerated and safe cannabinoid to use as it does not cause head-high effects. Also, numerous people add the natural remedy of cannabidiol to improve their well-being.