Veronica De Oliveira Albuquerque Veronica De Oliveira Albuquerque 329.82 Sao Paulo

By zeeh
Veronica De Oliveira Albuquerque Veronica De Oliveira Albuquerque 329.82 Sao Paulo

Veronica De Oliveira Albuquerque Veronica De Oliveira Albuquerque 329.82 Sao Paulo – Company Information with registration in CNPJ 41.087.528/0001-27 The Company of social name Veronica De Oliveira Albuquerque – Veronica De Oliveira Albuquerque 329.82, has an ATIVA cadastral situation. It remained opened on 04/03/2021, after two years, seven months, and 21 days, share capital of R$1,000.00, legal nature 213-5 – Entrepreneur (Individual), MICRO COMPANY, is a MEI, Optante pelo Simples National, MATRIX type.

Economic Activity (CNAE) Main:

Economic Activity (CNAE) Main:

7319002 – Sales promotion and presentation of activities: This subclass includes – sales promotion and non-local sales advertising – distribution or delivery of advertising material (fulfillment). Endereço da Empresa:

  1. Logradouro: RUA MAZZINI Number: 481 CEP: 01528000 Complement: Neighborhood: ACLIMACAO Municipality: SAO PAULO UF: SP
  2. No CNPJ, each establishment: CNPJ number, company name, corporate composition, address, opening date, legal nature, parent or subsidiary code, domicile (country or foreign), tax jurisdiction, primary and secondary economic activities, cadastral location, responsible for the CNPJ, etc.
  3. Company name: The registered name of a legal entity. A social reason differentiates the name given to an establishment or the commercial name, usually called a fantasy name.
  4. Cadastral Situation: The information on the situation is valid or CNPJ and can be Active, Inapt, Suspense, Baixada, or Nula.
  5. Opening Date: The date that the competent body registered the Company.
  6. Legal Nature: This is the legal regime in which the Company remains included.
  7. Economic Activity (CNAE): Classification and organization through codes of companies and producers of goods and services operating in Brazil

CNPJ Number: Possuem 14 Digits.

  • Example: XX.XXX.XXX/YYYY-ZZ. The first few digits form the “root,” the next four digits form the suffix, and the last two form the check digit.
  • Share Capital: Value that partners or shareholders establish for a company when opening.
  • Type: Matrix – Where the management of the Company remains and where the regulation of the Company is defined. Subsidiary – It is the extension of the Company that already exists and responds to the commands of the Parent Company.

Porte: The companies’ portes posem be Uninformed, Micro Empresa, Empresa de Pequeno Porte e Demais.

  • Data update: All data remains updated by the Federal Revenue and Commercial Boards. The data obtained in the CNPJ investigation remain registered by taxpayers, which may be outdated.

329.82 Ltda Espetinho Do Guga

329.82 Ltda Espetinho Do Guga

329.82  Ltda Espetinho Do Guga- As you stroll through the bustling streets of São Paulo, the tantalizing aroma of roast meat wafts through the air. We invite you to one of the steakhouses in the city. However, for an authentic São Paulo experience, look no further than 329.82  Ltda Espetinho Do Guga. This unassuming street stall has been a neighborhood institution for over 40 years, serving up irresistible grilled meat skewers known as espetinhos

The Origins And History Of 329.82  Ltda Espetinho Do Guga.

To understand the origins of 329.82 Ltda Espetinho Do Guga, we must go back to 1978 in São Paulo. Augusto César Guga, a Brazilian businessman, founded the Company with a single food cart selling grilled beef and pork skewers known as espetinhos.

Rapid Growth And Expansion

Guga’s Company grew over the next 40 years, expanding to more than 60 street food carts throughout São Paulo. The secret of its success lies in the quality and flavor of its espetinhos. 329.82 Ltda Espetinho Do Guga uses only the freshest, highest quality Brazilian beef and pork in its skewers. It marinates the meat in a unique blend of spices to enhance the flavor before grilling it to perfection.

A São Paulo Institution 329.82  Ltda Espetinho Do Guga

Today, 45,442,703 Ltda Espetinho Do Guga has become a São Paulo institution. Its food carts and street stalls stay open late into the night, and locals and tourists flock to enjoy its irresistible grilled skewers. Although times have changed, 329.82  Ltda Espetinho Do Guga has remained true to Guga’s original vision. Sharing the delicious flavors of Brazilian espetinho with the city he called home. Through its dedication to quality, authenticity, and customer service, 329.82  Ltda Espetinho Do Guga has earned its place in São Paulo’s culinary culture.


Now you have an overview of São Paulo’s famous food stall 329.82 Ltda Espetinho Do Guga and its signature grilled meat skewers. A visit to this family-owned business is a must for any foodie exploring the culinary delights of Brazil’s largest city. With more than 50 years of history and generations of customers, Espetinho Do Guga is an institution. They have perfected the art of grilling succulent meat and chicken and serve it at an affordable price.

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