4 Ways to Age More Gracefully Than You Thought Possible

By zeeh
4 Ways to Age More Gracefully Than You Thought Possible

Ways to Age More Gracefully Than You Thought Possible – With the arrival of each birthday, you notice the evidence of time, making its mark on your once familiar face. And over time, you start to recognize yourself less and less. Although aging is a fact of life, the reality of it in your reflection is no less jarring.

However, the opportunity to age is a gift, and it’s a rite of passage that can be done gracefully. From slowing the signs of aging to undoing some damage, there are many steps you can take to appear younger. Keep in mind, your journey of embracing a graceful aging process will be unique, just like your incredible life story.

1. Boost Your Skin’s Ability to Repair Itself

Genetics are assigned, whether they’re a preference or not. You may consider yourself a beach lover, but your skin burns at the thought of a coastal visit. Sun damage is a reality that many people face, especially as trends and sun protection have changed over the years.

Years of damage have likely left evidence of your beach vacations by way of lines, wrinkles, and sun spots. Luckily, you don’t have to cover them up with foundation or try questionable methods of bleaching them out. Consider a topical prescription like tretinoin to treat the damage already done.

With long-term, consistent use, this powerful cream can boost your skin’s ability to repair itself. Increasing collagen production can lead to a brighter, more vibrant complexion that reflects the way you feel inside.

2. Switch Up Your Cosmetics Routine

The makeup standbys you’ve bought on repeat may not be working for you these days. Thicker formulas may settle into lines, exacerbating their appearance. Take a few minutes to review your product lineup and be honest with how they perform on your experienced face.

Iridescent eyeshadows are fun, but their reflective properties can make eyelids appear crepey. Instead, try matte shades in a range of tones. These multi-taskers can also be dredged on as eyeliner, that creates a cohesive look and has staying power. If you’ve always loved lipstick, check out creamy formulas that hydrate and resist bleed-out — a common nuisance of aging lips.

Beyond formulas, switch up your application to best compliment your bone structure and style. Highlighting and contouring may have been the go-to ten years ago, but a bright, dewy look may be more flattering. Conceal under eye circles lightly, dabbing a hydrating formula in the inner and outer corners. The traditional triangle shape you may have made in your younger days can enhance instead of detract from dark circles.

3. Refresh Your Wardrobe With No Regrets

After years of dressing for work, you may already struggle with choosing weekend wear you feel great in. And as trends change, sometimes returning for better or worse, it can be even more challenging to find something fashionable. Remember your age shouldn’t dictate the types of clothes you wear or influence your buying decisions. If you’re tempted to order off the Sunday coupon mailer, here’s your sign to shake up your perceptions.

Style has no age, and that’s a rule you can depend on. Icons like Iris Apfel have long bunked the misconception that bold colors and pursuit of style is for the young. Instead, lean into the confidence that often comes with age to go all-out with your wardrobe.

Play with colors, textures, and patterns to your heart’s content. Infuse your favorites into work-appropriate suiting as well as let-loose weekend options. Celebrate your style without regrets, and the joy it brings will show through, wrinkles and all. With a wardrobe that makes you happy, you’ll likely surprise others when they learn your true age.

4. Infuse More Joy Into Your Life

Just as with your totally-you wardrobe, the way you spend your time impacts your demeanor. Imagine, if you spend your day trudging through tasks you loathe with no respite, how might your expression look? Just placing yourself in that scenario can induce an involuntary furrowed brow, so living it will undoubtedly be worse.

While you can’t sign off from the less-than-fun tasks that often come with work and life, you can infuse joy. Consider how you can sprinkle in moments of delight throughout your day and fearlessly protect your free time. Craft a playlist full of songs that make you smile, and play it while you get ready in the morning. You’ll set your day off on the right foot and with a smile on your face.

Finally try something you’ve always wanted to but resisted out of fear or expectations. Make a bucket list and get started checking off wishlist items before your knees can’t keep up. Adding more of what makes you happy can improve your perspective, which influences every part of your life.

Share Your True Age With Gratitude

Modern culture tends to prefer youth over experience, especially for women. But just because that’s what’s expected, it doesn’t mean it’s accurate. What’s truly great is the opportunity to experience life and everything wonderful that comes with it.

Reflect on your years of experience and the adventures you’ve enjoyed with gratitude. The sun spots from your annual beach vacations can remind you of treasured time with family. The scar on your ankle drums up memories where you thought horseback riding was in your future. Treasure some of the gifts of time, scars, wrinkles, and all, as you pursue longevity with grace.