5 Tips to Write a Fashion Designer Resume

By zeeh

Tips to Write a Fashion Designer Resume – According to the Bureau of Labour statistics, a fashion designer makes around $73,790 per year. With this lucrative earning opportunity, fashion designing is one of the most competitive job profiles in the market.

To enter into the world of fashion designing, you need to create an impressive fashion designer resume template to showcase your resume skills.

In this article, we will present to you five tips to create an impressive fashion designer resume and grab recruiters attention in order to land your dream job.

Craft a Professional Header

The header section is the first thing a recruiter notices in a resume. So, it’s necessary to format the resume header professionally to guide the recruiter to read the rest of the resume.

The fashion designer resume header has four elements:

  • Heading: Use your name as the resume title and avoid writing “CV” or “Resume” as the resume heading.
  • Title: Optimize the resume by writing your professional designation in the resume title. For example, for a fashion designer job, your resume title can be “Fashion Designer.”
  • Contact information: Include your phone number and your professional email id, and your residential location in this section.

Note: The location must be in “City, Country code” format.

  • Links: Include relevant links to your resume header that addresses your skills—for example, Instagram portfolio, Personal blog, Linkedin profile link, etc.

Write a Professional Summary

The summary section must be placed right below the header section. Its purpose is to provide an overview of your fashion designing skills to the hiring manager.

Here are the tips for writing a professional summary:

  • Wrap up the summary within 3-4 sentences.
  • Do not use bullet points to write the summary. Write it in paragraph form.
  • Start the resume summary with years of fashion designing experience followed by any relevant certifications and then overview of skills and experience.
  • Avoid writing the fashion designer resume summary in first-person or second person’s perspective.

 Here’s how a fashion designer resume summary should look:

“5+ years experienced Fashion Designer adept at designing various clothing styles complying with the client’s requirements. Proficient in following current fashion trends and establishing a brand identity. Adept at collaborating with online influencers and models to improve brand awareness and market value.”

Add Relevant Resume Skills

Recruiters only get 7.4 seconds to screen a resume. To establish your experience in this short span of time, you need to create a separate skills section.

Tips for writing the key skills section in the fashion designer resume:

  • The “Key Skills” section must go right after the resume summary.
  • Separate each skill with bullets to make it easier to read.
  • Do not write the key skills in their abbreviated form.
  • Ensue the key skills are in line with your previous experience and the prospective job requirements

Common Skills for Fashion Designers:

  • Colour theory
  • Fabrication
  • Draping
  • Budgeting
  • Client Management
  • Fashion Merchandising
  • Presentation
  • Sewing
  • Pressing
  • Team Management
  • Conflict Management

Craft a perfect Professional Experience Section

A professional experience section is an important section on a resume. This addresses the candidate’s experience in detail to the hiring manager.

Hence, you need to ensure that the resume formatting is done correctly.

Tips to write a professional experience section:

  • Avoid using paragraphs in the professional experience section. Instead, use one-line bulleted points.
  • Start the bullet points with power verbs to emphasize your accomplishments.
  • The bullet points are not complete sentences. So, avoid using full stops after each sentence.
  • Bold the essential points in the single-line statements to direct the recruiter’s attention towards it.
  • Club 3-4 statements under a single subheading to showcase functional skills.

Optimize The Resume for ATS

According to CIO.com, more than 40% of employers use an ATS system in their hiring process.

So, it’s essential to pick a resume format that is ATS friendly and also optimizes the resume to beat the ATS.


  • Use the reverse chronological order to write the professional experience and education section in the resume.
  • Send the resume to the recruiter in PDF format. Avoid sending the resume in .docs or .jpeg format.
  • Identify keywords and resume skills from the job description and ensure to include keywords throughout the fashion designer resume.

Key Takeaways

Here are a few key takeaways:

  • Craft the resume header using your name, designation, contact information, and residential address.
  • Write a professional summary to grab the hiring manager’s attention.
  • Craft the professional section using single-line bulleted points.
  • Optimize the resume for ATS systems with relevant keywords.